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Searched: Report date on 3/3/2025.
Showing 41 Records.    
Report DateStation NumberStateCountyScale BarCategoriesDescriptionView
3/3/2025  AK-MS-12 AKMatanuska-Susitna Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Our lack of precipitation continues with just 0.06 inches recorded across the past week occurring over two days. It appears our winter has made an early exit with daytime highs in the middle forties and overnight lows around freezing. Our snowpack remains pathetically low at 9.0 inches. Still no moose to view in this immediate area although they are in the general area. The wildlife in general appear to be more active with the warmer temps. I'm afraid we're in for a dry and early spring!  View
3/3/2025  AR-LW-2 ARLawrence Mildly Wet General Awareness
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
More rain is forecast during the next 24hrs bringing a chance of flash flooding again.  View
3/3/2025  CO-CR-18 COCrowley Near Normal Agriculture
Plants & Wildlife
Relief, Response & Restrictions
Society & Public Health
Bar ditches are green. Elms budding. Two longtailed grackle pairs in the yard. Woodpecker down the lane. House finches, doves and magpies fighting for the birdbath. Red flag warning, high wind warning, winter storm watch warning all in effect for today through tomorrow. One guarantee is blowing dirt. Driving will be hazardous. Producers trying to prepare as well as possible. You only have to live through fire once to be on pins and needles all through spring.  View
3/3/2025  CO-DL-54 CODelta Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
No precipitation last week. There no remaining patches of snow on the ground. Areas of topsoil are still moist below the surface but areas more exposed to the sun are dry on the surface. Our cold season grasses greening and the local deer are quite happy about that.  View
3/3/2025  CO-GN-59 COGunnison Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Mud season is here, 2-3 weeks earlier than normal. South and southwest facing slopes are snow-free up to 10,000'. Snow depth at my meter ranks the 3rd lowest in the past 12 years for March 3rd. Water Year totals for the date: Total Snowfall: 78.9" - 67% of average | Total Precipitation: 7.60" - 84% | Snow depth: 23.5" - 72% of average  View
3/3/2025  CO-JF-72 COJefferson Near Normal General Awareness
Birds chirping in the mornings! Smelling slightly springlike out there. No green yet.  View
3/3/2025  CT-NL-19 CTNew London Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Sunny days bring people out - tourists, joggers and gardeners alike, but windy flip-flopping temps make spring seem far away. Daffodil sprouts & crocuses are beginnning to appear, but gardening is still an indoor chore for most. Ice comes and goes on the river. Lengthening days are a blessing.  View
3/3/2025  CT-NL-56 CTNew London Near Normal General Awareness
some thawing of the near-surface soil, and not much snow this winter, but otherwise, seems near-normal to me.  View
3/3/2025  CT-TL-35 CTTolland Near Normal General Awareness
On 3/1/2025 I had to dig a hole for a new fencepost. I dug down 26". No frost encountered as this area gets full sun. Soil was wet and water seeping into the hole.  View
3/3/2025  IA-BT-11 IABenton Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Has been extremely windy and continues to be dry tho received a trace of rain. There was a grass fire last Friday during the afternoon of Friday during the hours of 60 mi gusts causing a 3 mile burn thru standing corn (natural snow fence) jumped road into ditch and on down a grass waterway, jumping another road to continue until the fire department was finally able to put it out later early evening. There were at least 6 departments involved along with farmers with equipment to help contain it. The deer are out in groups again now that the temps are more moderate and see pheasants on occasion.  View
3/3/2025  ME-SM-3 MESomerset Near Normal General Awareness
Weekly report: 3.7" new snow, Gauge SWE = 0.46". 10.0 (SWE 2.16") snowpack.  View
3/3/2025  MA-NF-1 MANorfolk Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
All snow cover is gone. Ground is frozen and still somewhat moist. Ice extent and thickness on ponds and lakes has decreased since last week. Levels are still somewhat low.  View
3/3/2025  MN-IS-45 MNIsanti Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Received 0.8” of liquid precipitation for the month of February. Only a few spots of snow remain. Total snowfall for the year so far is only 17”. The nearby ponds had started opening up earlier last week but have now refroze again after a couple days of cold temps late this past week. We had high winds on Friday causing widespread power outage in the area from a tree falling on powerlines. Wildlife are abundant with the mild winter again this year; many deer, turkeys and swans seen in the fields.  View
3/3/2025  MN-SH-39 MNSherburne Near Normal General Awareness
Sunny and 29 Hi 50 Wind SE 5 mph. Beautiful day for a walk in the woods.  View
3/3/2025  MO-JF-21 MOJefferson Moderately Wet General Awareness
Ground is thawing and wet as noticed visually  View
3/3/2025  MO-PT-8 MOPlatte Near Normal General Awareness
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Relief, Response & Restrictions
Society & Public Health
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
Water levels for Missouri and Platte Rivers are at normal for this period of year. Ponds and local lakes are close to normal. grass starting to greenup with warmer temperatures and longer daylength. No budding to worry about yet, which is good for nuts and fruits. It is dry but fire risk is low yet due to dews. Land work and outside construction is moving along well. Some row crop field prep work has started, mostly land repair and such.  View
3/3/2025  MT-GN-11 MTGallatin Mildly Wet Agriculture
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
Valley conditions still with above-normal snowpack, although it has been settling and melting rapidly. Mountain snowpack is near average.  View
3/3/2025  NE-LA-19 NELancaster Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
No measurable rain in the last week. Only 0.34" precipitation in February. Dryness continues. Snowfall a couple of weeks ago moistened the soil at the surface for a little while but surface is once again dry. Low flow in creeks. Fire danger is high when winds and humidity are unfavorable. Birds are using the birdbath regularly. Subsoil is dry.  View
3/3/2025  NM-DA-371 NMDona Ana Moderately Dry General Awareness
At this station, we're now sitting at 49 days since the last precip, 102 days since the last significant precip. This station did not receive any precip in Feb. though our long term average for the month is .40 inches. For the calendar year we have received .12 inches when we should be at 0.87 inches, only 14 percent of where we should be for this time of the year. Our roads are dry with about 6 inches of powder on top. Our dirt stock tanks are all dry. With the weather warming up the bird counts are up, seeing quite a few new varieties coming thru.  View
3/3/2025  NM-SM-44 NMSan Miguel Mildly Dry General Awareness
Lack of sufficient snow and moisture over the last few weeks.  View
3/3/2025  NY-SL-21 NYSt. Lawrence Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
Like a clock, I'm going to swing back to Near Normal. We've had some precipitation during the past week (5 out of last 7 days) but we've also had both a warm spell and a very cold spell. Basement has 50% wet spots. My SWE measurement tells me that about a half inch of liquid should have entered the ground in the past 2 weeks-- a nice gentle amount. Not flooding in any way. Any standing water has been brief and only of the usual puddles. The only thing left that is unusual is that the remaining snowpack of 11.5" is dense enough to walk on very easily (which is allowing one dog to get to places she's not normally allowed) and there is some of the very deep snow from mid-February still literally 'hanging off' roofs, partially melted and partially frozen with icicles. Red squirrel and gray squirrel are active and around. Birds (blue jays, cardinals, chickadees, juncos, sparrows, crows & starlings) are hungry, but happy. Bunny has been about and seen in the dark BUT in an act of cunning the bunny got through the backyard fence with what must have been some squeezing and contorting. The snow is deep on either side of the fence, so she must have gone down a crack in the snow near the fence, through her favorite fence crossing spot between 2 wooden boards, and then back up the other side pile of snow with a "whew!" So a "U"-shaped path 3" wide and 7" long. While there has been neighborhood word of skunks around, I'm not yet seen or smelled one. Same news of but no show of local robins. Allergies have been bad. Getting stuffed up every night. Another difference to note: sunrise is now starting BEFORE 6 a.m. and it's clearly still light with sunshine at 5 p.m. The positive difference this makes to the quantity of hope cannot be understated. More please.  View
3/3/2025  NY-WY-11 NYWyoming Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Partly cloudy and cold with gusty winds and flurries, then cloudy overnight with light winds. The high temperature was around nineteen degrees, with a low around ten degrees Fahrenheit. Songbirds are eating a feeder full every two days. Intermittent streams are flowing but have thick ice in areas. More songbirds here. Canadian Geese are around in small flocks.  View
3/3/2025  NC-MS-18 NCMadison Moderately Dry Agriculture
Water Supply & Quality
Getting dry and dusty. Creeks are low. Grass is starting to green up where last week’s rain flowed and in other places the grass looks yellow and dry. Plum trees are budding out.  View
3/3/2025  NC-MS-19 NCMadison Mildly Dry General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
We've had no rain the past 7 days with winds, warm temps and low humidity. Water levels in creeks and springs is still good with spring fed water tanks have good flow. The fire risk is high and there is a red flag warning out so any outside burning is very risky.  View
3/3/2025  OH-FL-23 OHFulton Near Normal General Awareness
Soil starting to thaw out in between cold spells  View
3/3/2025  OK-MY-10 OKMayes Near Normal General Awareness
Warmer temps, breezy conditions from time to time, and no measurable precip during the last week allowed us to dry out considerably. The ground still has moisture even at the surface, but it is not soggy like it had been during previous weeks. The neighborhood pond is now slightly below the dam level.  View
3/3/2025  OR-KL-28 ORKlamath Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
[Two weeks Mon 2/17/25 – Sun 3/2/25, rural Central Oregon High Desert.] This 2-week period was very typical in almost every way – including precipitation amounts and types, high and low daily temps, winds preceding changing weather conditions (with 1 exception), and an almost even mix of mostly sunny/clear days/nights – for the end of February. Total CoCoRaHS rain gauge readings (rain and melted snow/ice) totaled 1.45”. New snowfall, from 4 out of 14 days, totaled approx 3.2” and was neither especially wet nor especially dry. On Mon 2/17 the approx 4” snowpack was comprised of about an average of 1” solid ice (from previous snow-and-melt events) underneath approx 3” snow; by late today only a trace of snow – actually, patches of the oldest ice – remained on the ground. The ground is so saturated with water that walking on the native volcanic soil that is not under water (i.e., has standing water) feels like walking on pillows. High temps averaged 51 with a range of 41 to 64°F, and low temps averaged 24 and ranged from 14 to 32°F. Several days this period, indoor heating was not used from morning until after dark. Sunday 2/23 late afternoon to early eve wind gusts (the aforementioned exception) registered unusually high for this area at 39 mph and 37 mph respectively (without adverse effects) hours ahead of the NWS-issued High Wind Warning effective 10 AM the following morning and predicted for areas to the south and east of this location but not including this particular location. I appreciate weather anomalies and would love to know the details/data that triggered this one!! All else with wildlife, plant life and insect activity was typical and without extraordinary notability as well.  View
3/3/2025  PA-WT-18 PAWestmoreland Near Normal General Awareness
all is normal here, we are looking at some rain, probably tomorrow or Wednesday, maybe some snow on the backside, nothing major.  View
3/3/2025  SC-BK-65 SCBerkeley Moderately Dry Fire
Ground is very dry and dusty. Getting hard packed. Grass is drying out.  View
3/3/2025  SC-RC-30 SCRichland Mildly Dry Fire
the state has a no burn request for the whole state  View
3/3/2025  SC-SM-30 SCSumter Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
1.32” rain in Feb, none over the last week. On Sat a Fire Warning Alert along with a Lake Wind Advisory, plus the governor declared a statewide burn ban. Sumter FD was responding to grass/brush fires all day. On Sat evening SC Forestry app showed 178 wildfires across the state. At 11:30 PM Sat night the relative humidity was 17%. Roadside swamps now almost dry. While hiking in Poinsett State Park on Sat the leaf litter and pine straw ground cover is dry. Soil is dry down to 1/2” to 1”. Resurrection ferns in the park are curled and gray. Park streams only running at a trickle. Trees are budding in the park, with redbud trees blooming. Here at home the birds are swarming the feeders, mealworms, suet baskets, spread seed and grape jelly.  View
3/3/2025  TN-BT-9 TNBlount Severely Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Soil is very dry; humidity very low; windy. Blow down and dry leaves are plentiful. Precipitation is 2.5" below normal. Burn warnings are in place in our area. I am a gardener.  View
3/3/2025  VT-CH-56 VTChittenden Near Normal General Awareness
Significant snow melt since last report. Temps have varied with warm days and below zero nights. Snow is packed with hard crust. Snow is melting under trees and hard surfaces are dry. Snow coverage 80%.  View
3/3/2025  WI-CB-5 WIColumbia Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Conditions are a little dry due to low overall winter snowfall. Currently the soil is frozen virtually everywhere, but is especially deep on north-facing slopes and on level ground that is covered with thick thatch, insulating the soil from sun. This will make for severe runoff in the event of significant rain. A nearly snowless winter has left plants and soil exposed to the elements. Here in the valley, any winter wheat is brown and lifeless looking. Animal trails are bare from traffic in the absence of snow, although animals have access to seeds & dried berries at will. Groundwater level--and therefore streamflow--seems to be lower than normal. Burn restrictions are running about normal.  View
3/3/2025  WI-KN-6 WIKenosha NA General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
The ground is still frozen. No report.  View
3/3/2025  WI-WW-37 WIWalworth Moderately Dry General Awareness
The dry winter continued in February with a total of 0.75" water equivalent of precipitation. The ground & lakes are still frozen, and no plants are showing signs of life. Recent light rainfall has moistened the top ground surface. Fire danger in the area is moderate, with one local fire burning about 20 acres. There were 37 reported wildfires statewide in February.  View
3/3/2025  WY-JN-33 WYJohnson Moderately Dry General Awareness
warmer, drier weather  View
3/3/2025  CAN-NS-86 CANNova Scotia Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
I have an average of 9.5 inches of snow cover, on top is an icy coating that can now hold up my weight. This means that large predictors can move on top of it was well.  View
3/3/2025  CAN-ON-173 CANOntario Mildly Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Only 4.4mm of rain this week and no snow. With temperatures near/above freezing Feb. 23-28 almost all of the snowpack has melted so I judge we’re still Mildly Wet. Farm fields are largely snow-free yet many are waterlogged; it’s too still early for any activity. With most of the snowpack gone I’ve slightly reduced the frequency at which I refill birds feeders, while keeping the bird bath filled and plugged in. Saw the first American Robins of the season on Friday Feb. 28. Environment Canada’s Sydenham River gauge at Florence, about 30 river kilometers upstream, has current level and discharge measurements of 4.885 meters and 42.5 m3/s respectively. The river crested there at about 3:00PM on Saturday March 1 at 5.722 meters and 68.3m3/s.  View
3/3/2025  CAN-ON-771 CANOntario Near Normal Fire
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
About 2.5cm of new snow this week. Rising temperatures and sunny days have resulted in some settling and sublimation of the snowpack. Ground coverage is still at 100% with a depth of about 33cm (13”). No significant melt as yet. Snowfall for February was less than the climate average, but snow on the ground at month end is pretty close to normal. Surfaces such as decks and sidewalks are melting more easily as the sun is higher in the sky. Forest trails are packed and easily walkable. Nordic trails and the ski hill are in excellent condition and are pretty busy. Bird activity at the feeder is as last reported, no migrating birds seen as yet. No bear reports.  View
3/3/2025  CAN-ON-1068 CANOntario Near Normal General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
Warm temperatures last week caused some of the snowpack to melt. The ground is still snow-covered. The ice road is becoming bumpy with potholes due to some melting and refreezing of the surface. Ice thickness (tested in select sites) on LotW is still good. There was some light snow Thursday evening.  View
Showing 41 Records.