Hail Report Information |
Station Number: |
TN-VB-1 |
Station Name: |
Spencer 4.4 NW |
Date: |
1/17/2013 1:01 PM |
Submitted |
1/17/2013 1:25 PM
Taken at registered location: |
True |
Notes: |
Hail came down from the NNE to NE, falling SSW to SW. No rain at all. As soon as the hail stopped, the wind picked up considerably. Half an hour or so before the hail fell I thought I heard distant thunder but was not sure. I cannot recall wintertime hail in this part of the country! |
Hailstone Information |
Largest Size: |
Rice |
Average Size: |
Rice |
Smallest Size: |
Rice |
Stone Consistency: |
Hard, White Ice |
Hail Storm Information |
Duration Minutes: |
1 |
Duration Accuracy: |
1min |
Timing: |
More Rain than Hail: |
False |
Hail Started: |
Largest Hail Started: |
Damage: |
no damage |
Hail pad information |
Angle of Impact: |
30-40 |
Number of Stones On Pad: |
Distance Between Stones On Pad: |
Depth Of Stones on Ground: |
Has Samples: |
False |