1.32” rain in Feb, none over the last week. On Sat a Fire Warning Alert along with a Lake Wind Advisory, plus the governor declared a statewide burn ban. Sumter FD was responding to grass/brush fires all day. On Sat evening SC Forestry app showed 178 wildfires across the state. At 11:30 PM Sat night the relative humidity was 17%. Roadside swamps now almost dry. While hiking in Poinsett State Park on Sat the leaf litter and pine straw ground cover is dry. Soil is dry down to 1/2” to 1”. Resurrection ferns in the park are curled and gray. Park streams only running at a trickle. Trees are budding in the park, with redbud trees blooming. Here at home the birds are swarming the feeders, mealworms, suet baskets, spread seed and grape jelly.