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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: IL-BN-19
Station Name: Belvidere 5.0 NNW
Report Date: 6/29/2024
Submitted: 6/29/2024 8:14 AM
Scale Bar: Mildly Wet
This area received 2.78" of precip over the last week with most occurrng from last Saturday night's torrential downpour.  Despite this ample rain it seems soil conditions are just mildly wet thanks to the previous week's hot and drying weather.  Area waterways are up and muddy although my spring's flow has only increased slightly.  And while tilling weeds the other day the soil didn't seem all that wet.  Anyhow, plant life is looking great, being lush and green.  Rabbits continue to multiply and have wiped out my lettuce and are working on my carrots now.  Where are those hawks and owls when you need them?     
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife