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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: MN-MW-8
Station Name: Austin 2.4 W
Report Date: 6/29/2024
Submitted: 6/29/2024 7:05 AM
Scale Bar: Severely Wet
After last week's first-ever Severely Wet, this week is showing promise for normalcy. Turtle Creek did not hit predicted Major Flood stage but began retreating after Moderate. While we did not get flood waters in our home, many basements in town are being pumped and gutted. Our sump pump discharges every 45 seconds for a couple of weeks now. Every water body in town is still overflowing its banks. Agricultural fields all have standing water that has ruined crops. City streets that were closed due to flood waters reopened in a couple of days. Township is repairing washed-out roads. Further 2.79" rain came this week on top of all that. I cannot describe the abundance of the wild black raspberry crop this wet season, as I've nothing to compare it to in my decades here, but every plant is heavy with nearly-ripe berries begging to be turned into jelly or put on ice cream. Each plant in my landscape -- shrubs, trees, perennials, lawn -- is bursting with growth like I've never seen. Wildlife in yard are active and healthy (turkeys, groundhogs, fox, raccoon, opossum).
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Relief, Response & Restrictions
Society & Public Health